Sitting Still Like a Frog – International trailer

International trailer for ‘Sitting Still Like a Frog’ A film by Jaap Verhoeven about Eline Snel, writer of the book ‘Sitting Still like a Frog’ and chairwomen of the Academy for Mindful Teaching (AMT).

Children in Hong Kong about mindfulness

What does mindfulness means to you? ‘Mindfulness helps you to be calm’, ‘Just close you’re eyes and breathe in and breathe out.’ Children in Hong Kong share their experiences.

Impression of the yearly 5 day Silence Retreat Eline Snel in Spain

Sitting Still Like a Frog HD

The documentary on Eline Snel and the Mindfulness Matters ® method

Interview with Eline Snel

A nice interview with Eline via Humanism & Mindfulness: une éducation pour le XXIe siècle.

Mindfulness In Education Summit

Recently Eline participated in an online summit of Mind Be, in which Susan Kaiser Greenland and others were allowed to participate.

Willibrord Mindful School

Children, teachers and parents are sharing their experiences about mindfulness in the Method Eline Snel, which has been integrated in the full primary school curriculum.

MindBe Mindfulness, Nature, Climate and Education Summit 2022

Eline has joined the list of participants of the MindBe Summit 2022 to talk about the intersect of Mindfulness and the climate.