“It’s simple, but certainly not straightforward,
to put your busy mind to rest,
to stimulate kindness
and to activate mindfulness”

The training courses at the Academy for Mindful Teaching qualify you to give Mindfulness training using the Method Eline Snel, to children, adolescents, parents , teachers and other professionals working in (mental) healthcare.

Our training courses are Teacher Proof and Evidence Based. Our AMT trainers are qualified according to the internationally acknowledged Mindfulness Based Teacher Assessment Criteria (MBI-TAC).


Every training course at the AMT is designed for professionals who work with children and parents. These include teachers, social workers, therapists, doctors, remedial educationalists, coaches, psychologists, and psychiatrists.

Mindfulness starts with YOU! By being more kind and less judgmental towards yourself and others, and living more in the NOW, you create indispensable conditions for children and adults to grow internally. And also continuing to develop yourself. This is not just about acquiring knowledge: it’s about experiencing important qualities such as patience, trust, and learning to let go of what you can’t control. It gives you a sense of peace in mind and body, and makes you more resilient and open to learning at school, at home, and in the wider world.

The training course provides practical experience of practicing the art of inquiry in small groups, helps you to gain a thorough understanding of the content of the lessons. It teaches you to carry out the training mindfully. You’ll discuss your intake interview, receive evaluations, and explore the obstacles you may encounter in your practice and what to do after the training course has ended.


The fruits of Mindfulness comes from within, from conscious presence and awareness . So it’s important that you regularly practice meditation and reflect on how your thoughts and feelings influence your behaviour. Mindfulness is about examining your automatic reactions to stress, fatigue, uncertainty, and other things that cause you discomfort, and replacing them with conscious, more beneficial responses. Children and adults will feel and know that what you do and say, is also who you are. You can only teach who you are!


The Method Eline Snel is universal, practical, complete, and compassionate, and so are the AMT’s training courses, developed by Eline for children, adolescents, and professionals who work with them. This is apparent in everything we do.

The roots of the training and the Method Eline Snel lie in Eline’s 30 years of experience as a therapist and Mindfulness and compassion trainer, brought to life with the age-old wisdom of the Vipassana meditation tradition. Our courses have a worldwide reputation for being personal, wise, clear, accessible, and friendly.


Course to become a Mindfulness Children Trainer

This course will qualify you to give Mindfulness training to children aged 4 to 12. In schools and other institutions or in professional practice, using the Method Eline Snel. It consists of six teaching days spread over nine months.

Click here for more information and/or to sign up for the course to become a Mindfulness Children Trainer.

Course to become a Mindfulness Adolescent Trainer

This is a continuation of the course Mindfulness Children Trainer and certifies you to give Mindfulness training to adolescents aged up to 19.

Click here for more information and/or to sign up for the course to become a Mindfulness Adolescent Trainer.

Course to become a Mindfulness Trainer in Education

This certifies you to give an eight-week specialised Mindfulness training to parents, teachers, and/or other professionals working with children. It involves nine intensive days spread out over one year, comprising in four weekends and a silence day.

The training fits seamlessly with Eline Snel’s books (Sitting Still Like a Frog, and Breathe though this) and with the children’s and adolescents trainer training courses.

Click here for more information and/or to register for the course to become a Mindfulness Trainer in Education.

Intensive training course at our Summer School

If you’d like to attend the course to become a Mindfulness Children Trainer but live abroad, our intensive summer school, held every August, could be a good option for you! Classes are taught in English, and participants come from all over the world.

Click here for more information about the Summer School.

“Never in my life have I experienced such a training course, though I’ve attended many as a psychologist. The combination of depth, wisdom, humour, lesson quality, and the way in which they were treated during the training, has made a deep impression. It’s touched me permanently from within.”
– Maria de Jong


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