Mindfulness appears to have a profound effect on the child brain. Especially on those parts of the brain that become active during stress, emotions, aggression and executive functions. Brain research shows that children who have practiced or are practicing mindfulness handle stressful situations differently and are better able to empathize with others. They make different choices in conflict situations: more consciously and from calmness. Less from impulse or drift. Mindfulness is good for all developing children’s brains.
At this moment there are studies on the mindfulness method Eline Snel for children and adolescents. For these studies we work together with Professor Ron Scholte of the Radboud University Nijmegen, the Trimbos Institute and abroad with Professor Herman Lo of the City University of Hong Kong. Through our social media channels and the website we will keep you informed of results.


This 2018 study examined the effect of mindfulness with the Eline Snel Method among 139 third- to fifth-year high school students in France and Belgium. No significant results were found between intervention and control groups in the general population. However, children who showed high symptoms on questionnaires around well-being and internalizing problems before the intervention showed significant results. Mindfulness gave them strategies for regulating their emotions, helped them develop mindfulness skills, and improved well-being. Even though the results are contradictory, they are promising for the implementation of mindfulness in schools in France and Belgium.

Herman Lo in Hong Kong

Applying Mindfulness to Benefit Economically Disadvantaged Families: A Randomized Controlled Trial. In 2018, a new study was published from Hong Kong. Herman Lo et. al. investigated to what extent mindfulness through the Method Eline Snel within families with socio-economic problems could have a positive effect on coping with stress and the early development of the children. The study shows that the intervention can have a positive contribution in reducing the impact of socio-economic problems within families.

RESEARCH Method Eline Snel

In 2012, the first study on Method Eline Snel, and the effect on children with ASD, was conducted. The results were positive and invited further application of this mindfulness method to this group of children. The article was written by Drs. H.R. Nanninga and Dr. B.B. Sizoo, and is about the effect of mindfulness in the Method Eline Snel on children with an autistic disorder. Published in the Scientific Journal of Autism (September 2012).

RESEARCH Herman Lo, Hong Kong

The effect of a family-based mindfulness intervention on children with attention deficit and hyperactivity symptoms and their parents: design and rationale for a randomized, controlled clinical trial (Study protocol). If you want to share it in website or somewhere, please acknowledge the funder, Health Care and Promotion Fund, Food and Health Bureau, Hong Kong Government, if possible. You can read the booklet of mindfulness & ADHD here on the website.


Dr. Dan Siegel, professor and clinical psychiatrist at UCLA, School of Medicine, explains the effect meditation has on the brain in a YouTube video.


A study by Linda Cillessen BSc. on the effect of mindfulness meditations in adolescents with asthma.

Jon Kabat-Zinn FROM THE PREFACE OF ‘Sitting still like a frog’ FROM Eline Snel

There is much and still growing evidence that Mindfulness enhances learning qualities. Important for adults. But indispensable for children. The brain and its neurological system are still developing. Greater susceptibility to negative effects of stress. It is extremely important to preserve, encourage and further develop children’s natural goodness, openness and capacity for presence! They are the future.